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3h30 easy

Length of the route : 7.2 km Town : Beaulieu-en-Argonne

Abbaye car park: Exit the village, follow the green markings. 1. Turn right towards the Calvary. 2. At the Calvary, possibility of going down the stairs that lead to the remains of the Abbey wall (known as Monks' wall). > Then, continue on the path of the Corvée to the left of the Calvary. 3. Arrived on the white path, turn right and turn left 100 m further into the forest. 4. At the Barrinaud crossroads, take the white path on the left, then turn left again downhill towards a small path. 5. At the foot of the first climb, turn left, 100 m higher, turn left again and go up to the Beaulieu plateau. 6. At the intersection of the white path, turn right and turn left 20 m further on then descend to the source of the Biesme. 7. Turn left and go up towards the Saint-Rouin trench, take the white path on the right. 8. Arrived on the GR14, turn left and follow the path of the Boulanger jump to descend to the ponds, then go up to Beaulieu.

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